Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of
Saskatchewan – North Chapter Newsletter
Message from Our President |
As I prepare this report, I am excited by the sunlight streaming through the window with the promise that summer is around the corner. I am also excited about a number of upcoming events that I invite everyone to mark on their calendar and come get involved. Swimming lessons will be offered this spring and begin April 26. Eight individuals participated last session, and we’d love to see more out this spring. Call Laurel at June is Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness Month and there are lots of ways to get involved! We are excited to offer families an opportunity to participate in the Hope Classic Walk/Run/Wheel Event, which will take place at the Forestry Farm Park and Zoo on Saturday, June 6. Provinces from coast-to-coast will hold events this summer to raise funds as well as awareness of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. 20% of the funds raised will support National SBHAC and 80% will support our local association. We hope everyone will collect pledges and participate. Our event will be held at our Annual Family Barbeque – check out the poster for more details. The Rick Hansen Event on Sunday, June 14 will involve a Wheelchair Skills Challenge with a Steak Supper and Silent Auction. If anyone would like more details, please call me. I hope we’ll have teams representing our association at this event. Again, further details are included in the newsletter and it will be a fun-filled day! June 13 will be our next bingo date. Please consider helping out. A big thank you goes to the Person family who has provided volunteers for every bingo since joining our Association. As everyone knows, the bingo profits sustain our group, and we are excited that the revenue percentages are making a recovery! We have recently received generous donations from URO Medical ($400) and Duraline Medical Products ($2000). With these funds, we plan to purchase a portable ramp, which would be made available for our members to borrow. Thanks very much to both of these companies for their support of SBHAS-N. Our AGM will be on Sunday, September 20th at 1:30pm in the Conference Room at K.C.C. Contact Linda Renaut for nomination forms for Board positions. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about our association in this newsletter, and I look forward to spending time with you at one of the upcoming events. Laurel Scherr President – SBHAS-N |
Programs and Family Networking Opportunities |
Join us in celebrating life and Ability …at our Annual Family Barbeque. You will be invited to participate in the FIRST…
HOPE CLASSIC – Walk, Run and Roll for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association
It happens on Saturday, June 6, 1:00-4:00 pm, at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo Picnic Area. There is a $2.00 fee at the gate.
R.S.V.P. Cindy Martell 933-4501/c.martell@shaw.ca
Collect Community Pledges, Participate in Event, Enjoy Fellowship and Meal
SWSA Mini-Basketball Team Hosts Successful Tournament |
On the weekend of February 21-22nd, 2009 the NRG Mini’s Basketball team hosted an Interprovincial Tournament at Warman High School. Congratulations to all the players and teams from Regina, Edmonton and of course our Saskatoon Team – NRG. We are very proud of our members that are on the team. Thank you to coaches Joelle and Liam, and their set up crew. Also, thank you to Laurel and Shawn Scherr, for once again going above and beyond to make the weekend a huge success for all the participants! And…the team is always looking for new players so think about giving basketball a try!
![]() NRG Team |
![]() Coaches Joelle and Liam |
![]() Christine and Chantel Scherr |
![]() Brad Trevisan on the move! |
![]() Carly Erber makes the play! |
![]() Chad Layton takes a break! |
Camp Freedom |
*Reprinted from the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta
What is…….The Disability Income Support Coalition(DISC)? |
The Saskatchewan Disability Income Support Coalition (DISC) was formed by a large cross section of disability advocates, consumers and organizations across Saskatchewan who are committed to advocating for a respectful, dignified and adequate income support system. DISC members have joined together to speak as one voice, working towards a distinct (or separate) income system for people with disabilities that will be built on our common vision and principles. Our Association is part of the Coalition. To get involved or for more information check out their website at http://www.saskdisc.ca.
What is happening this summer ? |
Summer Fun program Details:
Dates – July and August 2009
Two Age Groups: Children – ages 6-14 and Youth – ages 15-22
Target Group: children and youth with physical disabilities. Each group will meet twice a week in the afternoons.
Registration Fee: $150.00 per participant, up to a maximimum of 30 participants.
To get involved you can call Janine Baumann, Program Manager in Saskatoon at 653-1694, or e-mail jbaumann@abilitiescouncil.sk.ca
Camp Easter Seal:
What are you doing this summer? How about horseback riding, or canoeing? Camp Easter Seal offers a full summer camping experience to children and adults with disabilities. Located near Watrous on the shores of Manitou Lake, our camp offers a beautiful environment of lake and wooded slopes. We will start filling camp sessions on March 27, 2009. This should provide those who need to have the medical history portion of the form signed by a doctor. Due to the limited resourses in some sessions, we may not be able to accept all who apply by that date. Applications received after March 27 will be considered if there are any vacancies in a particular camp session.
For more information check out the following website: http://www.abilitiescouncil.sk.ca/saskatoon/html/services/camp/registration.html
Access 2 Entertainment Card – Application |
Check out: http://www.access2card.ca/ for forms and more information.
Wheels In Motion |
Register Online: www.wheelsinmotion.org or contact the SWSA at 975-0824, or e-mail swsa@shaw.ca for more information.
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Saskatchewan – NorthExecutive and Board Members |
Linda Renaut , Past President 215 Addie Crescent Saskatoon , Sk S7N 3S9 Phone: 249-0475 Email: lrenaut@shaw.ca |
Cinnamon Martell, Vice President 711 Beechmont Lane Saskatoon , Sk S7V lC9 Phone: 933-4501 Email: c.martell@shaw.ca |
Laurel Scherr , President 351 Kenderdine Road Saskatoon , Sk S7N 3SN Phone/fax (phone first): 249-1362 Email: lscherr2@sasktel.net |
Karen Baerg P.O. Box 512 Dalmeny , Sk SOK 1EO Phone: 254-2792 Email: kjbaerg@hotmail.com |
Bev Turgeon, Newsletter Editor P.O. Box 873 Martensville , Sk S7K 2TO Phone: 933-0427 Email: bturgeon@sasktel.net |
Mike Manderscheid 5 Stewart Ave Saskatoon , Sk S7L 3S5 Phone: 382-4182 Email: mike mopar@hotmail.com |
Mr. Gene Layton, Treasurer 22 Britnell Crescent Saskatoon , Sk S7H 3X8 Phone: 374-7438 Email: glayton@sasktel.net |
Jackie Jewell P.O. Box 214 Kenaston , Sk SOG 2NO Phone: 252-2867 Email: jewell_23@hotmail.com |
Shelley Elder, Secretary 114 Waterloo Crescent Saskatoon , Sk S7H 4H5 Phone: 477-0819 Cell: 220-6229 Email: melder@sasktel.net |
Duncan Renaut 215 Addie Crescent Saskatoon , Sk S7N 3C5 Phone: 249-0475 Email: duncanwheels@hotmail.com |
![]() |
Our board is here to listen, learn and represent you and your family! Please contact board members if you have questions, suggestions or are able to volunteer for any event or program! |
Fund Raising: An Integral Part of Our Association! |
Dream Lottery :
I wish to thank all those who volunteered time and helped the Dream Lottery for SACL :
Karen Baerg, Shawn,Laurel and Chantel Scherr, Cindy Martell, Gene and Chad Layton, Trisha and Sheldon, and Mike Manderscheid, Carol Zerr, Louise Huber and family, Jordan Marit (my nephew), Terry Kowalko and Sheri-Lynn and Bev Turgeon.
We raised $590 for our group, total volunteer hours were 44.5 in 6 days, we will receive 25% and SACL gets 75%.
Submitted by:
Shelley Elder
The Bay:
Congratulations to everyone that sold Bay Cards for … The Bay Giving Day. Our Association did very well. We earned $265.00 in November.
Christmas Party 2008 – Fun, Food, and Friendship ! |
Thank you to Cinnamon Martell and her family for organizing a “great” Christmas social. Everyone had a great time visiting, bidding, eating, seeing Santa and of course dancing to the antics of Nelson Martell. It was great to see the response with well over 55 in attendance! The Silent Auction raised $216. Our Association works hard to fund these activities but without the organizing and planning of our Social Committee they would not be so successful and well received!
![]() Cinnamon and family setting up supper! |
![]() Dance teacher Jodi Simpson chats with girls |
![]() Nelson “DJ” Martell had everyone up dancing! |
![]() Chad and Mike gives the big “thumbs up”! |
![]() The gymnasium was full of giggles and smiles! |
![]() The spot dance was a “blast”! |
![]() Solving the world’s problems!! |
![]() Friendship is what it is all about! |
![]() Smiles all the way around! |
![]() More ideas on how to solve the world’s problems! |
![]() Thanks Mom, now lets dance! |
![]() When is Santa going to arrive? |
![]() Santa (thanks David Jarvis) and his helper, Laurel Scherr, our President |
![]() The evening ended with the Silent Auction items being awarded! |
Research News |
Where there’s a will…… there’s a way! |
Reprinted with permission from Dance Saskatchewan, Footnotes, Fall 2008
Unfortunately Kitty Lunn will not be coming to Saskatoon this summer. However, in her last e-mail to Sheri-Lynn she let her know that she will be offering another Integrated Dance Summer Intensive Workshop this summer in August in New York. As details are finalized they will be posted on Kitty’s Company Website at http://www.infinitydance.com .
Membership Form |
Below is an example of our membership form. Our Association is growing and growing. We need to keep our membership current! With your membership you also are registered with the National SBHAC and receive its newsletters as well as our Association newsletter, minutes, volunteer opportunities, voting privileges and funding opportunities. To print a copy of the current membership form, check out our website at www.sbhasn.ca/index.html.
Did You Know! |
SWSA “Wheelchair Tennis – Have a Go!” Free! Come out and try Wheelchair Tennis on Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 @ Lakewood Indoor Tennis Centre – Saskatoon (1635 McKercher Drive) from 5:00 – 8:00 pm *Participants must have a current SWSA membership. For more information call Paul Gustafson @ 221-2941 orpaulgustafson@sasktel.net |
We’re on the Web! See us at: |
Sask. Wheelchair Sports Association! |
SBHAS – N is participating in the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living “Win the Wheels Lottery” formerly the “Dream Lottery”. We will be selling tickets at their car in Circle Centre Mall from Sept 7th -13th inclusive. Phone Shelley @477-0819 if you wish to sell a booklet of tickets on the side. Tickets are 3/$10.00. A percentage is then forwarded to our Association based on how much we sell. 1st Prize 2009 Sleek Black Dodge Challenger SXT. Approx. value $33,000 or $22,000 Cash; 2nd prize $2500 West Jet Gift Certificate; Early Bird Prize 2009 Piaggio Fly 50 Scooter. Draw dates: Early bird August 23, 2009, Grand Prize Draw October 17, 2009. Shelley will call to book volunteers for Circle Centre Mall in the fall. | The SBHAS – N Board is in the process of developing aTransition Binder for kids, parents and schools. It will be a useful resource when planning for the move from high school to further education or starting work. It will also help if your young person is leaving home. It will be a user friendly binder that can be added to easily. We would like your input — what kind of information would you like in it? Also anyone who has information that would help others navigate their way through this difficult time we’d love to hear from you. If you want more info please phone me, Hilary Govan at 383- 2869 or e-mail ggovan@yourlink.ca |
Spina Bifida Association of Sask. – North Chapter: c/o Laurel Scherr e-mail: lscherr2@sasktel.net |