Summer 2005 Newsletter

Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Association of Sask. North
c/o Laurel Scherr
351 Kenderdine Road,
Saskatoon, Sk S7N 3S9
(306) 249-1362

Message from Our President

We welcomed summer with our Family Barbeque held at the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event. Despite the rain, everyone had a lot of fun. On June 25, we worked an afternoon bingo and raised over $1150.00. Thanks to everyone who volunteered. Our next bingo is on Sunday, July 31 from 4:30 – 10:30 p.m. If you’d like to help out, please call Shawn at 249-1362. Our bingo revenue allows us to offer swimming lessons, camp fees and other assistance to families. At the bingo, there is also time to socialize with other families.

Our AGM was held in May, at which time new guidelines for the Financial Assistance Plan were presented and accepted. They will be posted on the website and distributed to our members. Elections were held at the AGM, and I would like to welcome our newest board member, Andrea Muir. Andrea is involved with SWSA and brings enthusiasm and new ideas to our group. Board members who will continue in their terms or will begin another term include: Gene Layton, Lori Froc, Jackie Jewell, Mike Manderscheid, Bev Turgeon, Karen Baerg, Linda Renaut and Laurel Scherr. Thanks to these people who generously give their time and energy to our Association.

We invite everyone to enjoy the activities that Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association (SWSA) is hosting over the summer with an opportunity to try everything from waterskiing and basketball to tennis and ultimate Frisbee! Contact Bev Turgeon for more info.

As we look towards fall, a reminder that SBHAS-N does provide Educators Kits to those children starting school. I would also like to invite everyone to attend the Education Day which will be held on September 24, 2005 at the Kinsmen Children’s Centre. Swimming Lessons will once again be offered in the fall; and of course, we all look forward to the Christmas Party in December. Further details will follow on these activites.

Check out our website: and don’t ever hesitate to call me if you have any questions, concerns or new ideas to share!!

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer!
Laurel Scherr

​The Importance of Volunteers

Why Volunteer?

Our Association is very successful due to our Volunteers. Many hours are spent working bingos, communicating with partner Associations, attending planning meetings, socials, and supporting a variety of fundraising ideas.

  • A chance to meet new people and make new friends
  • Because someday you may need the help that you offer another today
  • Teach what you know to others
  • Gain a sense of accomplishment and pride
  • Make an impact on your community
  • Do something different from your job

Volunteer Highlights

Bingo Volunteers:

  • Ashley Baerg
  • Karen Baerg
  • Toby Baerg
  • Gabe Brecht
  • Mike Brecht
  • Kaitlyn Byl
  • Alana Calloway
  • Brenda Calloway
  • Dave Elder
  • Shelley Elder
  • Perry Froc
  • Leo Gartner
  • Gene Layton
  • Ivan Layton
  • Lorraine Layton
  • Jesse Lockart

Thank you !!!

Bingo Volunteers:

  • Cindy Martell
  • Daniel Olver
  • Piller Ortega
  • Joey Rapko
  • Kaely Rapko
  • Rita Rapko
  • Meg Redekopp
  • Sigg Redekopp
  • Duncan Renaut
  • Linda Renaut
  • Launa Ruttle
  • Dan Scherr
  • Laurel Scherr
  • Shawn Scherr
  • Brad Sigurdson
  • Felix Thomas
  • Lindsay Thomas

Thank you !!!

Social Volunteers:

  • Karen Trevisan
  • Mel Zimrose (ho-ho-ho)
  • Laurel Scherr
  • Shawn Scherr
  • Linda Renaut

Thank you !!!

Fundraiser Volunteers:

  • Brenda Carter
  • Veronica Chatterson
  • Catherine Close
  • Shelley Elder
  • Lori Froc
  • Hilary Govan
  • Rose Grypiuk
  • Wendy Hammond
  • Karen Hayduk
  • Lucy Hoseasson

Thank you !!!

  • Jackie Jewell
  • Gene Layton
  • Michael Mahussier
  • Cindy Mahussier
  • Joan Manderscheid
  • Lois Marit
  • Kelly Marshall
  • Duane Miller
  • Linda Murphy
  • Vaurie Murray
  • Alexis North
  • Deb Partington
  • Jack Ruttle
  • Lynda Ruttle
  • Betty Scherr
  • Laurel Scherr
  • Dawn Thomas
  • Bev Turgeon

Thank you !!!

Together Everyone Accomplishes More! – TEAM!

Our Association decided to support the LBS National Fundraiser in December. Many of the people listed previously helped distribute collection tins to various Liquor Board Stores located in Saskatchewan. At the end of December they also collected the tins and forwarded the proceeds.  While the amount was not as high as we hoped, the response from our volunteers was overwhelming! People covered our province from Estevan to Nipawin, Lloydminster to Yorkton, and every place in between.  Our National and Association Mission – “To improve the quality of life of all individuals with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and their families through awareness, education, advocacy and research, and to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects” was truly brought to fruition in the hearts of our volunteers in December.

Do we care? You Bet! Do we show it? Every opportunity we get!

Funding Requests Met: Thanks to our Volunteers!

The funds available to our Association are the direct result of the hard work and commitment our Volunteers put in. Again, thank you!

This past year, our Association was able to fund several requests made from our current members.  We are very proud to share with you the type of funding requests we were able to support :  Summer camps, Dance registrations, medical alert membership and first bracelet, hand controls, home renovations for accessibility, PAAL Programs, swimming lessons, class tuition, adapted ski instructor and a vehicle lift.

*Members are invited to apply for funding. For more information check out our Funding Guidelines posted on our website.

Don’t count the days,
make the days count.

Highlights – Winter & Spring

Bruno T-Birds Sledge Hockey!

On April 1st to the 3rd, 2005 the Bruno T-birds Sledge Hockey team attended the first ever Western Championships which were held in Spruce Grove, Alberta. On Friday night we played against Alaska and beat them 2-1. On Saturday afternoon we played against Edmonton and beat them 11- 4. That night we played against Calgary and won 5-2.  Sunday morning we played in the gold medal game against Alaska and beat them in double overtime 1-0. We had a good tournament and we are hopefully going back next year to defend our title!


Michael Manderscheid

If you believe in a dream and dare to try, great things can be accomplished.
Rick Hansen

Kids in Motion Dance Team

This year has been a busy one for our children who are enrolled in the wheelchair dance program at the University School of Dance. Jodi Simpson instructs the 5 girls in the Junior team. This year they learned and performed to the hit “I Believe”. Congratulations to Christine Scherr, Chantel Scherr, Carly Erber, Sarah Froc, and Sheri-Lynn Turgeon. They will be performing at the Human Rights Conference in Regina in September to kick off the fall season.

Michelle Reimer instructs the Senior Dance team which is comprised of 3 wheelchair dancers and 3 stand-up dancers. This year was their first year as a team and it went very well. They learned and performed a ballet routine “Spring Sonata”. The senior team consists of Sheri-Lynn Turgeon, Lindsay Thomas, Ashley Haftner, Taylor Balon, Megan Mckay, and Sienna Mosewich. The Senior Team will also be performing at the Human Rights Conference in Regina in September.

New students are always welcome. Contact the University School of Dance at
966-1001 or College of Kinesiology.

“Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.” anonymous

June – Spina Bifida Month Celebration

Our annual family barbeque was held this year in conjunction with the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion Day. Many of our families support the wheel-a-thon and our Sask. Wheelchair Sports Assoc., which runs the event in Saskatoon.
The day began with the wheel-a-thon at 1:45. Our children aged 8 to 18 wheel from 1 to 5 km in the pouring rain. When the rain quit the Kids in Motion, Jr Wheelchair dance team entertained the crowd with their “I Believe” dance routine. WOW!
There were barbeque burgers and hot dogs for all spina bifida-hydrocephalus families.  There were also dryland sit skis, handcycles, tennis areas, basketball hoops, basketball chairs, and the Astro Jump available for use by everyone in attendance.  Overall the day was a huge success. We thank Laurel and Shawn Scherr for arranging the BBQ and Andrea for the event-filled afternoon.

Fun times are had by all, even in the rain!

Upcoming Events!

Education Day:
Mark your calendar with a big STAR. We are finalizing the details of our next Family Education Day.
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2005
Place: Kinsmen Children Center, Saskatoon
Babysitting is available, coffee, lunch and informative sessions from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
There is no registration fee, we appreciate it if you call and reserve your spot and let us know if you require babysitting.
Call or email Linda Renaut to register: phone 249-0475 or
Email: Linda Renaut

Next Bingo
July 31st, 4:30 pm – 10:30 pm Call Shawn if you can help or be ready to Say “YES” when he calls you. Thanks! Ph# 249-1362

Wheelchair Sports Summer Camps

July 24th Archery & Shooting Clinic 1:00pm – 5:00pm Wildlife Federation
July 25th – July 28th Extreme Sports Camp $75 or $20/day
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
July 25th Basketball at Cosmo Civic Center, Saskatoon
July 26th Cross Country Skiing at Gabriel Dumont Park, Saskatoon
July 27th Tennis at Lakewood Indoor Tennis Center, Saskatoon
July 28th Handcycling at Meewasin Trail, Saskatoon
August 2nd Sledge Hockey Clinic, Schroh Arena, Saskatoon 12:45-2:45
August 6/7th Waterskiing Clinic at the Rat Hole, Saskatoon 12:00 – 6:00
August 11th Bowling at Eastview Bowl, Saskatoon 2:00 – 4:00
ANDREA AT 975-0824 OR E-MAIL Wheelchair Sport Camps