Telemiracle Donation:
We are proud to say that our Christmas Showcase raised $836.00 for Telemiracle which was donated on behalf of Dance Collective YXE.
Wheels in Motion:
We are so grateful to have received funding for 6 wheelchair dance chairs from Telemiracle, check out this great video of the Wheels in motion team.
Parking Pass Program
Accessible Parking Survey:
What are your thoughts on Accessible Parking in Saskatoon?
“The purpose of this survey is to understand community and stakeholder concerns and suggestions related to the current Accessible Parking Permit Program to help inform recommendations for changes. It should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
The survey is primarily intended to understand the perspectives of those with experience using an accessible parking permit in Saskatoon, though anyone with interest in this topic is welcome to participate in the survey.”
New Renewal Date for…
Parking Permits for People with a Disability
The Saskatoon Parking Permit for People with a Disability will now be renewed by October 31 of the year. We have changed the dates these permits were effective to provide enhanced customer service and reduce wait times.
For more information, visit permits,
or contact Customer Service at or call us at 306-975-2400.

Mission Statement:
The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Canada (SBHAC) have a mission statement that our local association has adopted. It reads:
“To improve the quality of life of all individuals with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and their families through awareness, education, advocacy and research, and to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects”.
The national association’s symbol is the daisy which represents the challenge of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Please click on the video below to learn more.